
Why you’ll keep seeing inflation in the grocery aisles


Sriracha sauce may be in short supply just for a couple of months after a drought in northern Mexico stunted pepper plants.

Book review: A slice-of-life novel both meaningless and profound


“The Most Precious Substance on Earth” by Shashi Bhat (Grand Central)

Watermelon Feta Salad: A new Fourth of July classic


For a fast and easy warm-weather salad on the Fourth of July, it doesn’t get better than Watermelon Feta.

Why captions are everywhere and how they got there


NEW YORK — People with hearing loss have a new ally in their efforts to navigate the world: Captions that aren’t limited to their television screens and streaming services.

Lima Public Library Book Reviews



Living with Children: Let brothers work out their conflict


Q: Our 8-year-old, the oldest of three, is often rude to his siblings. I know some sibling conflict is normal, but this seems excessive. I hear him multiple times per day tell his younger brothers how annoying they are. In addition, he often yells at them to stop whatever they are doing that he doesn’t like. We’ve asked him to stop berating and yelling at them and have him rephrase his disrespectful words, but his disrespect doesn’t seem to be improving and it’s beginning to drive us up the wall. Thanks for any advice you can give us.

Amazon Prime Day is back July 12, 13


Amazon Prime Day returns to July after two years of maneuvering around the pandemic forcing the online behemoth’s big sale into October in 2020 and June last year.

Switzerland has it all


A few weeks before Swiss Air flew me to Zurich, I read that Switzerland had been anointed the “fourth happiest country in the world” by the World Happiness Report. That, and two clever and humorous Switzerland Tourism videos featuring Swiss-born tennis legend Roger Federer, contributed to my decision to spend 10 days there this past May.

Ex-Etiquette: Make a plan to avoid outbursts in front of son


Q. My ex and I had an amicable split. After a year or so, we put together a parenting plan that worked, but we left off Father’s Day and Mother’s Day. That means our son may be scheduled to spend Father’s Day with me and visa versa. It doesn’t happen all the time, but this year, it did. In the interest of “good ex-etiquette” I offered to take our son to his father’s home (which is 30 minutes away) early Sunday so they could spend the day together. There was traffic. I texted I would be 10 minutes late. When I arrived, my ex yelled at the top of his lungs, “Get in this car! It’s my time now!” My son was in shock and started to cry and as they pulled away I could his father yelling at him for being late. I’m at a loss. What’s good ex-etiquette?