ODOT gives rail crossing safety tips

COLUMBUS — The Ohio Rail Development Commission, the Ohio Department of Transportation and the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio are taking this week to remind Ohioans how to be safe around railroad crossings as part of See Tracks, Think Train Week.

According to a news release from the agencies, every three hours in the United States, a person or vehicle is hit by a train, and train crashes are more likely to result in death or injury.

Ohio is the fifth leading state for goods transported by rail with 36 freight railroads, approximately 5,000 miles of track and over 5,600 public grade crossings. In 2023, there were 77 train-vehicle collisions at public railroad crossings in Ohio, including five fatalities.

One railroad crash was reported in Allen County in 2023 with no injuries or fatalities, and Putnam County had one crash and one injury. Auglaize County had no railroad crashes in 2023.

“Highway-rail grade crossing collisions and pedestrian trespass on tracks together account for more than 95 percent of all railroad fatalities. Always expect a train,” said Scott Corbitt, the chair of the Ohio Rail Development Commission.

The agencies provided these steps to stay safe:

• Always expect a train;

• Walking on or beside railroad tracks is illegal;

• The only safe place to cross tracks is at designated public crossings with a crossbuck, flashing red lights or a gate;

• Before crossing in a vehicle, be sure there is space on the other side to completely clear the tracks;

• Never pass flashing lights or go around lowered gates;

• Wait to cross until you can see clearly in both directions;

• Stay off railroad bridges and trestles. In railroad tunnels, there is only room for the train;

• Do not attempt to hop aboard railroad equipment.