Police calls


2000 block of Lake Circle Drive, Lima — Police made contact with an intoxicated person Thursday.

600 block of West Grand Avenue, Lima — Police served a warrant Thursday.

1000 block of South Union Street, Lima — Vandalism was reported Thursday.

500 block of Harrison Avenue, Lima — Harassment was reported Thursday.

1000 block of West Market Street, Lima — Police responded to a burglary Thursday.

West Spring Street at South Woodlawn Avenue, Lima — Police responded to a property damage crash Thursday.

Hughes Avenue at Nova Street, Lima — Police made contact with an intoxicated person Thursday.

700 block of West Robb Avenue, Lima — A domestic violence incident occurred Thursday.

Highland Avenue at East Second Street, Lima — A warrant was served Thursday.

200 block of West Eighth Street, Lima — A runaway was reported Thursday.

300 block of Harrison Avenue, Lima — Police made contact with an intoxicated person Thursday.

People charged with misdemeanor offenses are not identified in this column but are identified through published court dispositions.