‘Swift Night Out’ planned at former Buckland school site

BUCKLAND — The Heritage Trails Park District will host a “Swift Night Out” at the former Buckland School beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 29. Visitors will have the opportunity to observe a colony of Chimney Swifts that roost inside the school’s large chimney.

A brief presentation will be offered about the swifts, then at dark participants will observe and count the number of swifts that enter the school’s chimney to roost for the night.

‘Swift Night Out’ is a continent-wide effort to raise awareness about and encourage interest in Chimney Swifts. The small birds play an important role in pest control, each family of them eating up to 12,000 mosquitoes and other bugs every day, according to park district officials.

A Homeless Books’ trailer will also be there to offer free books to adopt or swap. Participants should bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on, as well as binoculars or cameras if they choose.

The school is located at 306 N. Main St., Buckland. Visitors should park along the street or in the cemetery parking lot.