Safe driving campaign begins Friday

LIMA — The Allen County Safe Community Coalition will kick off the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign starting at 8 a.m. Friday, Aug. 9 m. at the ACCESS Center, 528 W. Market St., Lima.

Allen County Probate and Juvenile Court Judge Todd Kohlrieser will address attendees by discussing the importance of being sober behind the wheel; how alcohol, street drugs and even prescription drugs can cause impaired driving; the amount it takes for someone to be considered over the limit to operate a vehicle; and the lasting consequences that can come from making poor choices when operating a vehicle under the influence.

After Kohlrieser’s presentation, local teenagers will demonstrate a distracted driving simulation and attendees will have the opportunity to tour the ACCESS facility.

Sara’s Sweets will provide refreshments.

The ACCESS Center is a newly remodeled community resource for youth, families, schools and other agencies. The Allen County Probate and Juvenile Court’s Community Control Department is located within with space available to work collaboratively with other agencies on behavioral health, substance use, suicidal ideation, family discord and other crisis concerns.