Police calls


100 block of East Market Street, Lima — A theft was reported Tuesday.

600 block of West Market Street, Lima — Police handled sex offenses Tuesday.

400 block of South Roberts Avenue, Lima — A theft occurred Tuesday.

1000 block of North Cole Street, Lima — A theft was reported Tuesday.

100 block of East Market Street, Lima — A theft occurred Tuesday.

2000 block of Hanover Road, Lima — Police responded to a theft Tuesday.

700 block of South Main Street, Lima — A burglary was reported Tuesday.

300 block of South Pierce Street, Lima — A theft occurred Tuesday.

500 block of South Collins Avenue, Lima — Police responded to a theft Tuesday.

500 block of Brower Road, Lima — Police responded to an assault Tuesday.

400 block of East Pearl Street, Lima — Police responded to a domestic incident Tuesday.

300 block of West Vine Street, Lima — A domestic incident occurred Tuesday.

1000 block of Bellefontaine Avenue, Lima — Police handled an intoxicated individual Tuesday.

People charged with misdemeanor offenses are not identified in this column but are identified through published court dispositions.