Blanchard Valley Health System, Bluffton Hospital to provide kids with meals

LIMA — Bluffton Hospital is partnering with the Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) to donate meals to children. According to a recent press release, the organization will make meals and gift them to the Bluffton Family Summer YMCA Summer Camp three days a week.

“We are strongly committed to contributing to this community,” Lead Dietary Associate Eva Fensler said in the press release. “And it feels good, in the summer, to be able to help give children something to do and a safe place to go. We’re excited to be a part of it. Every year, rather than it feeling like a chore on the to-do list, our attitude is, ‘Oh, we get to do this again?’”

The YMCA director Amy Byers said the people who organize the program are grateful for the lunches and the children enjoy them.