Childrey files petitions for 84th District seat

CELINA — Democrat Arienne Childrey, 40, of St. Marys, has filed her petition for the Ohio House of Representative District 84 race at the Mercer County Board of Elections.

Childrey said she is an out and proud transgender woman and an advocate for the LGBTQ community.

“I am running on a platform of strengthening Ohio’s unions, expanding broadband into the 84th district, addressing the eldercare crisis in our state and expanding economic opportunities for the poor and middle class,” Childrey wrote in an email. “My campaign is about ensuring all constituents of the 84th district feel represented in the Statehouse and have accessible representation.”

The 84th District seat is currently held by Republican Angie King, who has also filed her petition for reelection. Petitions will be certified by the board of elections.