Patriotic Santa visits Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument in Cleveland

CLEVELAND, OH – If you haven’t done your Christmas cards yet, get your Santa photos with a twist. Patriotic Santa – dressed in red, white, and blue — is visiting the Cuyahoga County Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument, 3 Public Square, Cleveland, for the next three Saturdays.

He’ll be easy to spot, garbed in a blue and white stars jacket and red and white striped pants.

Visitors are welcome to take a photo with him from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 25, as part of downtown Cleveland’s Winterland activities. Patriotic Santa also will be available for photos 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the next two Saturdays, Dec. 2 and Dec. 9.

In real life, Patriotic Santa is Warren Doyle, a former caretaker of the monument.

The historic depiction of early Santa was inspired by an issue of “Harper’s Weekly” magazine from Jan. 3, 1863. That image was created by illustrator Thomas Nast. During the Civil War, Patriotic Santa delivered comfort goods to soldiers and drummer boys in camp. And he delivered toys to families back home. Naturally, his role and attire have evolved over the years to the Santa Claus of today.

“The monument is a 129-year-old Civil War monument dedicated to more than 9,000 from the county who served in the war,” said Greg Palumbo, executive director of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument. “The monument saw an opportunity to connect the history of those we honor with the WinterLand festivities. For many years Santa could be found at the monument, but for the last three he has donned his earlier patriotic suit to spread joy while honoring the veterans of Cuyahoga County.”