Lima man sentenced to 3 years prison for felonious assault on girlfriend

LIMA — A Lima man was sentenced Friday to three years in prison for an assault on his then-girlfriend that sent her to the hospital.

John Holland, 35, pleaded guilty to second-degree felonious assault in January for the Aug. 7, 2022 incident. According to court documents, Holland’s girlfriend said she had been sitting in her car when the man knocked on the window. She said when she unlocked the door, Holland entered the car, punched her in the ear and choked her until she lost consciousness.

According to court documents, the victim then said Holland broke her phone and sprayed air freshener in her eyes. She said she escaped and went to a hospital after Holland fell asleep.

Holland’s attorney, Kenneth Rexford, said on Friday that the couple had attended a party earlier that evening where the woman believed Holland was paying too much attention to another woman. He said the two were intoxicated, but the victim more than his client.

Rexford said the victim was “prepared to do violence” against Holland when she watched him from her car in an attempt to catch him cheating on her. He said the couple argued and Holland “lost it,” seriously injuring the woman.

Rexford said Holland has been attending addiction, anger management and mental health treatment since he’s been out on bond.

Crime Victim Services court advocate Stephanie Evans read a letter from the victim to the court, in which the woman said the incident “completely turned my world upside down.” The woman wrote that she loves Holland but he caused back, neck and mental health issues.

“This will forever have an impact on my life,” the woman wrote.

Through tears, Holland told Allen County Common Pleas Court Judge Terri Kohlrieser that he wished he could go back in time and change what he did. He apologized to the victim for the physical and mental harm he caused and said he prays for her daily.

“I can’t put into words how sorry I really am,” Holland said.

Holland is ordered to pay court costs and will receive 87 days of jailtime credit toward his sentence.