Cruz in Lima to back Mandel Senate bid

LIMA — With the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate essentially razor thin, one Republican senator is hoping to expand that majority, and Ohio could be a key element in that effort.

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, was in Lima on Tuesday evening to help bolster support for Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel, who is seeking the Republican nomination to run against Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio. To both Cruz and Mandel, Brown represents the interests of the far-left wing of the Democratic Party, not those of Ohioans.

“Sherrod Brown has been a liberal Democrat politician for 40 years, since Richard Nixon was president,” Cruz said. “Sherrod Brown consistently votes with the extreme left wing of the Senate.”

Mandel said that the best way to change the direction of Washington, D.C., is to send new people there, also emphasizing that he would fight for term limits in the Senate to prevent so-called “career politicians.”

“Sherrod Brown is one of those politicians who went to Washington to do good, but then he stayed in Washington to do well for himself, his cronies and his lobbyist buddies,” he said.

Speaking on the recent violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, both Cruz and Mandel condemned Nazi sympathizers and called for national unity.

“The Nazis, the KKK and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against their lies, their bigotry, their anti-Semitism and the hatred that they propagate,” Cruz said.

“There were many brave, young Americans who paid the ultimate sacrifice in Europe during World War II to make sure that this generation would never have to see the disgusting ideas of Nazism,” Mandel said.

Cruz also expressed disappointment with the recent failure to repeal the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, but he added that he believes it will still happen.

“Millions of Americans are hurting because of Obamacare,” he said. “For seven years, Republicans have promised that if you elect us, we will repeal Obamacare. I believe failure is not an option. We have to deliver on that promise, and that’s one of the reasons why this Ohio Senate race is so important.”

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U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Josh Mandel, state treasurer of Ohio, visit the Shawnee Country Club on Tuesday evening. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Josh Mandel, state treasurer of Ohio, visit the Shawnee Country Club on Tuesday evening. Levi A. Morman | The Lima News

By Craig Kelly

[email protected]


See more photos from Ted Cruz’s visit to Lima with Josh Mandel.

Ohio Democratic Party response to Mandel/Cruz Lima event:

“Josh Mandel has spent the better part of the last decade ignoring or abusing his responsibilities as Treasurer while campaigning for the U.S. Senate. Yet after years of running for federal office, Josh still advocates for unworkable policies — like congressional Republicans’ health care repeal plan that will double premiums and leave nearly one million Ohioans without coverage. In the Treasurer’s office and as a candidate, Josh continues to prove why he’s a politician Ohioans can’t trust.”

— Jake Strassberger, spokesman

Reach Craig Kelly at 567-242-0390 or on Twitter @Lima_CKelly.