Youth Profile: Elida pupil eyes career in medicine

ELIDA — Elida freshman B.J. Carder, 15, has been thinking of a medical career for some time.

So when he was invited to attend CampMed, an event designed to encourage students to pursue a career in science and medicine, he didn’t need a lot of encouraging.

“I am just related in medicine and medical-related things,” B.J. said.

The camp, held at the University of Toledo, gathered 39 students from all across northwest Ohio for the two-day educational program. University faculty, physicians, scientists and students taught the program curriculum. Students were selected to the program based on academic achievement, a personal essay and the recommendation of a teacher or counselor. B.J. is looking into the possible career choices of being a cardiologist or anesthesiologist.

“It was a great experience,” B.J. said. “I made a lot of new friends and I learned a lot about the field.”

B.J. gained hands-on experience during the program, including examining a cadaver and stitching an incision in a pig’s foot.

B.J. is off to a good start academically. He just completed his eighth-grade year at Elida Middle School with a 3.96 GPA.

When not in the classroom, B.J. also played football, basketball and track, where he ran the hurdles, was a member of the 400-meter relay and participated in the high jump. He is also a member of the youth group at St. Gerard Catholic Church, where he is an altar server.

B.J is the middle child between an elder sister, Natalie, 17, and his stepbrother, Caleb, 9. However, he said there is a lot made out of nothing concerning the middle child syndrome.

“It isn’t true,” he said. “It is actually pretty neat.”

In his spare time, B.J. likes to play basketball or ride mopeds with his friends.

B.J. is the son of Bill and Ronda Carder.

By Lance Mihm

[email protected]

Reach Lance Mihm at 567-242-0409 or at Twitter @LanceMihm.