Officials looking for elder abuse, neglect in Lima region

LIMA — Abuse and neglect against senior citizens is reported more frequently than just a few years ago, but the belief is it remains under severely reported, officials said Friday during a training seminar for police and others who deal with senior citizens on a regular basis.

“I’m here today for the training and to help understand how to bring these guys to prosecution,” said Det. Brad Hoy, of the Allen County Sheriff’s Office.

Hoy was busy taking notes to share the information with other investigators at the sheriff’s office.

The biggest thing Hoy learned was about the approach people trying to take advantage of senior citizens take. That includes how they establish trust and use it to take advantage of senior citizens, Hoy said.

Hoy has handled numerous cases of elder abuse, exploitation or neglect in nearly a decade as a detective. He has investigated cases where people stole up to $40,000 from senior citizens, he said.

The training was led by Crime Victim Services and Adult Protective Services. One of the key speakers on the topic was David Kessler, a former investigator with the Ohio Attorney General’s Office.

The training also included an estimated 30 representatives from various agencies that deal with senior citizens.

Financial exploitation is the biggest abuse local authorities see, said Elysia Bush, the director of Elder Victim Ministry for Crime Victim Services.

Estimates are only 10 percent of elder abuse and neglect cases are reported or discovered, Bush said.

It can be hidden or not reported, especially if the person carrying out the crime is a relative of the victim, she said.

Abuse or neglect against a senior citizen can be a felony crime, she said.

Allen County has about 105,000 residents, and about 15 percent are over the age of 65, according to U.S. Census data.

A county of 100,000 typically should average 1,000 reported cases of abuse or neglect in a year. Allen County had 184 cases last year, well below the expected number. That number this year already is at 188, Bush said.

The training Friday helps people who deal with senior citizens, sometimes on a daily basis, recognize and identify the signs of abuse and neglect, Bush said.

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By Greg Sowinski

[email protected]

Reach Greg Sowinski at 567-242-0464 or on Twitter @Lima_Sowinski.