Former Lima patrol commander faces felony sex charge

CHARDON — The former commander of the Lima post of the Ohio State Highway Patrol faces a felony charge, accusing him of engaging in inappropriate sexual conduct with a minor.

Brant A. Zemelka, of Middlefield, is charged with gross sexual imposition, a fourth-degree felony, according to Chardon Municipal Court records.

Zemelka was released on bond and has a preliminary hearing scheduled for June 27.

The charge alleges a crime on May 28 or 29 at his home in Geauga County. The charge carries up to 18 months in prison and a requirement to register as a Tier I sex offender.

The Geauga County Maple Leaf reported the alleged victim, a 16-year-old, was attending a graduation party Zemelka hosted for his son, who recently graduated from high school. The girl’s father also was at the party.

The alleged victim told investigators Zemelka put his foot in the girl’s crotch and massaged it, which another person also saw. He also kissed her and forced his hand down her pants touching her “private area,” according to the Geauga County Maple Leaf.

Zemelka told the alleged victim’s father during a phone call his foot may have fallen on the minor’s private area, the media outlet reported.

Zemelka surrendered his gun and badge and will be reassigned to administrative duty at the patrol’s Warren headquarters pending the outcome of the case.

Zemelka transferred from the Lima post back to the Chardon Post in October 2014 as the post commander. In October 2015, he asked for a demotion to sergeant and was assigned to the Ravenna post, said Lt. Craig Cvetan, with the public information office of the state patrol.

Zemelka’s first post commander position came in July 2010, when he was promoted to lieutenant and assigned to Lima from the Chardon post, where he served as the assistant post commander. He became a state trooper in October 1997, Cvetan said.

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Brant Zemelka Zemelka

By Greg Sowinski

[email protected]

Reach Greg Sowinski at 567-242-0464 or on Twitter @Lima_Sowinski.