Putnam County Fair in need of donations

OTTAWA — It is one of the first county fairs in the state and a celebration of the area’s rich agricultural heritage, but the Putnam County Fair is suffering from a lack of funds and is looking to the surrounding community for help.

Last year’s rainy June left the fair suffering a net loss of more than $45,000, described as “devastating” by Fair Director Nathan Meyer. That loss, combined with a billing change instituted by American Electric Power two years ago has left the fair with a severe cash shortfall.

“They pretty much restructured the way they charged all the fairgrounds, not just Putnam County,” Meyer said. “It about doubled our electric bill. It’s about $1,200 a month now for just having a few lights on in the off months.”

In an effort to regain some of that money, the fair board is trying to apply for a $50,000 grant from the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Society Facilities Grant program. However, the fair is required to secure a $50,000 match before applying for the grant, and so far, no one has come forward to make a donation.

“Some of the old fair kids who came through here 15 or 20 years ago have set up a GoFundMe campaign, but not much has come out of that so far,” Meyer said. “We need the money because we want to get new water main lines to the hydrants for fire safety.”

Other efforts have been made to raise money without much success.

“We also had a mini-fair last September,” Meyer said. “I think at the end, we made maybe $100.”

Other fundraising events are not possible, with the fair board concentrating on getting this year’s fair, scheduled for June 20 through 25, off the ground. In addition, the application must be submitted to the ODA by July 1.

“We’re just out of time,” Meyer said.

Anyone wishing to make a tax-deductible donation to the fair or to get more information can call the fair office at 419-523-4268. The secretary will keep office hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays. Information on the fair can be found at http://putnamcountyfair.com.

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Members of Pandora Cub Scout Troop 226, along with other fairgoers, ring the bell to start the beginning of the Putnam County Fair in this file photo.
http://www.limaohio.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/54/2016/06/web1_PutnamFair-File.jpgMembers of Pandora Cub Scout Troop 226, along with other fairgoers, ring the bell to start the beginning of the Putnam County Fair in this file photo. Craig J. Orosz | The Lima News

By Craig Kelly

[email protected]

Reach Craig Kelly at 567-242-0390 or on Twitter @Lima_CKelly.