Youth Profile: Teen steering effort to restore cannon

VENEDOCIA — Dominic Adkins, a 14-year-old Spencerville middle school pupil, was wondering what to do when he began hearing talk around town about the possibility of putting a decommissioned cannon in Venedocia Memorial Park.

After hearing about it, he took on the challenge for his Eagle Scout project.

“I started hearing things and then a veteran [John Lloyd] asked me about it,” Dominic said.

Dominic contacted U.S. Rep. Bob Latta about the U.S. Marine Corps 105 mm howitzer and was able to complete the complex paperwork to secure the cannon. Dominic will sandblast and paint the cannon for display at the park for his project. The cannon is currently displayed at the park, but will temporarily be removed to complete the work.

Lloyd, along with veteran Eric Pugh and the Rev. Thomas Emery, pastor at Salem Presbyterian Church, have been working with Dominic to help him complete the project.

“Dominic Adkins exemplifies all that is great about America,” Emery said. “He is hard-working, honest, and caring about others.”

Dominic is leading the effort to raise $1,500 in donations to pay for the painting and the chain-enclosed pad for the piece.

Dominic, the son of Toby and Elizabeth Adkins, participates in basketball, soccer and baseball at Spencerville. In addition to being an honor roll student, he is a member of 4-H.

Donations can be sent to The Memorial Park Cannon Project, PO Box 662, Venedocia, OH 45894.

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Dominic Adkins, 14, is steering an effort to restore a decommissioned cannon for his Eagle Scout project. Adkins, 14, is steering an effort to restore a decommissioned cannon for his Eagle Scout project. Submitted photo

By Lance Mihm

[email protected]

Reach Lance Mihm at 567-242-0409 or at Twitter @LanceMihm.