Lima councilors call on God’s healing

LIMA — Shirley Gordon summed up what many residents are thinking in Lima at a city prayer meeting held at the Lima YMCA on Tuesday.

“Devil get behind us,” Gordon said. “You better get out of our way.”

The meeting, scheduled by Lima City councilors Todd Gordon and Ann Miles, attracted more than 200 people. They had one simple message.

“The Lord had put it on my heart that we needed to pray,” Miles said. “I was thankful when I was at the next council meeting, Todd said, ‘We need to pray.’ I knew what we had to do.”

Topics of prayer were passed out to several people in the audience, who were asked to come up and say a prayer for the city regarding that topic. Topics included the city as a whole, elected officials, school staff, youth, the war on drugs, gun violence and homelessness, and many other topics.

A special prayer was said for the Police Department concerning Sgt. David Gillispie, who died by suicide at about 1 p.m. Monday. Miles asked that people pray for Gillespie’s family and the officers dedicated to protecting the city. Todd Gordon said the LPD needed prayers.

“I know Chief Kevin Martin and his heart is aching,” Todd Gordon said. “He loves Jesus and we need to keep him in our prayers.”

The Rev. Doug Boquist of Lima Community Church said that the city was bleeding. He believed the church needs to take a leadership role.

“Our children are violent with each other,” Boquist said. “We need to wake this sleeping giant that is the church and go into our schools and neighborhoods.”

Todd Gordon said the goal for the prayer rally was to call for positive-minded change.

“Loving each other and preaching peace,” Todd Gordon said. “That is the way we are going to change Lima.”

Dorothy Brassell, of Lima, attended and said it was a great place to start.

“I appreciated the churches coming together,” Brassell said. “I appreciate everyone coming together and discussing the things we need to. It was a great way to get to know people that we don’t see or wouldn’t meet anywhere else.”

Miles asked everyone to help out and do their part in healing Lima.

“Everyone commit to doing something,” Miles said.

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People introduced themselves to strangers during a prayer rally held at the YMCA on Tuesday. Lima City Councilwoman Ann Miles asked everyone to introduce themselves to someone they did not know. The prayer rally was held for the healing of Lima because recent violence and other problems. introduced themselves to strangers during a prayer rally held at the YMCA on Tuesday. Lima City Councilwoman Ann Miles asked everyone to introduce themselves to someone they did not know. The prayer rally was held for the healing of Lima because recent violence and other problems. Lance Mihm | The Lima News

By Lance Mihm

[email protected]

Reach Lance mihm at 567-242-0409 or at Twitter @LanceMihm.