Woman hopes Ladies Night Out event sparks lasting social group

ELIDA — An Allen County resident dedicated to uniting and empowering women of all walks of life is hosting a “Ladies Night Out” event in the hope it will spark a long-lasting organization.

For several months, Gina Fox has been researching ways she can create a type of support group for women that also functions as a social club. She said her vision is to form an organization where dozens of women meet once a month to share experiences, exchange gifts and go out to places such as restaurants and movie theaters.

While conducting research on the Internet, Fox stumbled across a women’s group called the “Secret Sister Society,” an Illinois-based organization that functions nearly the exact way she wanted her group to be.

“It’s kind of like a support group where you can meet new people in the area and you know you have someone to count on,” Fox said. “Lima really needs something like that because there’s nothing like it here, and there are so many wonderful people within our community that could benefit from something like that.”

To promote her idea for a local women’s group, Fox organized a Ladies Night Out event that will include dinner and a quarter auction. The event will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday at Laurel Oaks Community Center in Elida. It is open to all women ages 18 and up.

At the event, Fox said she and the other participants will discuss whether they want to create a local chapter of the Secret Sister Society, or create their own group that functions in the same way. Fox said the main drawback to creating a Secret Sister Society chapter is there is a yearly $30 fee per member, but she said she is willing to start one if money is not an issue for those interested in joining.

“Either way, we’re going to do something,” she said. “We just hope this event will open the door to whoever is interested in becoming involved with our group.”

Tickets for Ladies Night Out cost $20, which includes dinner and drinks, one auction paddle and one door prize entry. Participants may also purchase a $15 ticket that does not include dinner.

Proceeds from the event will benefit a domestic violence shelter in Van Wert.

“I think what they teach the women over there to get them out of a domestic violence relationship and bring them into a safe haven is very important,” Fox said. “The programs they have there to rehabilitate the women and their families are great, and I think they need all the support they can get.”

To RSVP for Ladies Night Out, call Fox at 419-236-4134.

By John Bush

[email protected]

Reach John Bush at 567-242-0456 or on Twitter @bush_lima