Empty Stocking: Medical problems block family’s Christmas

LIMA — Nancy has had her share of health problems in the past year and cannot work.

Still, the days until Christmas keep coming and she has no way to get presents for her children, Patti, 12, Shelly, 10, and her son, David, 7.

“This year is kind of scary. I have had hard times with them and it’s never been like this,” Nancy said.

Nancy was a hair stylist until about a year ago when she started having medical problems, too many for a woman in her early 30s.

Her only income is child support and some public assistance, she said.

Nancy is on numerous medications that have side effects.

“With all the medication, my arms go numb and I can’t move my fingers the way I need to,” she said. “I could cut my fingers and not know it.”

Nancy has been in the hospital five times in the past four months. Doctors are trying to manage various health problems she has but the doctors said it will take some time. Medication affects her energy levels, she said

“Even the simple things seem hard,” Nancy said.

Nancy and her children put up a Christmas tree over the weekend. She hopes for a miracle to save Christmas for her children this year.

Nancy said Patti and Shelly no longer believe in Santa Claus and know their mother is going through a tough time. They have accepted the circumstances.

But David is young enough to believe in Santa. His sisters and Nancy do not want to see that change and want him to have the best childhood he can.

“The girls are old enough to understand,” Nancy said.

If Nancy had the money, she would buy each of the children a bicycle. All three love to ride bicycles but they do not have one of their own, she said.

She also would like to get them a computer, nothing fancy, just something to replace the old broke computer that no longer works, she said.

But this year, even the smallest presents are out of reach.

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By Greg Sowinski

[email protected]

The Empty Stocking Fund benefits three cooperating agencies, Bradfield Community Center, Mizpah Community Center and the Salvation Army. Money can be donated by sending it to The Lima News, 3515 Elida Road, Lima OH 45807, or by dropping it off at any Superior Credit Union branch. Donations of new toys and nonperishable food items will be accepted at The Lima News office. These stories use assumed names to protect the participants’ privacy.

Reach Greg Sowinski at 567-242-0464 or on Twitter @Lima_Sowinski.