Lima community gives thanks

LIMA — Thanksgiving is a great time for many to get together with family and other loved ones, enjoy a good meal and catch up on lost time.

Unfortunately for many, there are no family gatherings. However, Jerry Lewis and an unlimited amount of volunteers aim to fill that void every year.

About 3,200 people turned out for the 11th annual Lewis Family and Friends Thanksgiving Dinner at Veterans Memorial Civic Center Thursday.

“It was another wonderful day of food and fellowship,” said Lima McDonald’s owner and event organizer Jerry Lewis.

People choosing to attend the event gobbled down about 800 pounds of turkey, 800 pounds of mashed potatoes, 800 pounds of dressing, 15 gallons of gravy and 450 pieces of pie. Lewis said the event would not be successful without the many volunteers, but the event is all about the guests.

“We want today to be very special for them,” Lewis said. ” A lot of them are down on their luck or have no family. Many are very successful people that don’t have family around. We have people from all walks of life attend every year.”

Damon Volbert, 55, of Lima, does not have family in the area and has been down on his luck trying to find a job. He said he has attended the event for six years.

“It is rough right now,” Volbert said. “It was nice being able to come here and have a delicious meal.”

Volbert thought so much of the event that he invited his friend, Mike Green, to come along with him. Green, who is 67, struck up a friendship with Volbert three years ago.

“I have no family left, and I would have just been sitting at home,” Green said. “It was very nice. The food was good, and there was plenty of it.”

Green, who has Parkinson’s Disease, said he even had a volunteer help carry his plate to his table so he wouldn’t drop it.

The event is just as rewarding for the volunteers. Sandra Combs was back after having to take the year off last year after being diagnosed with cancer. It was her fourth year volunteering to serve at the evnt.

“It is so nice seeing people from all walks of life getting along and enjoying the food,” Combs said. “I enjoy doing this.”

Diners were also treated to live music and received a gift bag of food to take home with them. Also, coats and other clothing were available for anyone needing them.

Lewis said that all food left over would be donated to local food pantries.

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Volunteers serve a Thanksgiving meal Thursday at Veterans Memorial Civic Center. About 3,200 people attended. serve a Thanksgiving meal Thursday at Veterans Memorial Civic Center. About 3,200 people attended. Richard Parrish | The Lima News

By Lance Mihm

[email protected]

• More photos of Thanksgiving activities, 6A

Reach Lance Mihm at 567-242-0409 or at Twitter@LanceMihm