Jefferson Award winner Kohli meets with Brown

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From left, Chris Kohli, Sen. Sherrod Brown and Randy Kohli.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown met earlier this week with Jefferson Award winner Randy Kohli and his guest Chris Kohli, residents of Lima.

They attended Brown’s weekly coffee with constituents during their visit to Washington, D.C.

“These Ohioans are engaged leaders in their communities,” said Brown. “The Jefferson Award is a fitting way to honor their achievements in community service.”

Mr. Kohli, a 31-year member of the Lima Police Department, established a Venturing Scout troop for children with disabilities and special needs. The troop, now nearly 60 members strong, is the first of its kind in the nation.

Since 1972, the Jefferson Awards Foundation has recognized community leaders who have performed outstanding public service.