Sylvan Learning offers STEM

LIMA — Due to the ever changing-technological world, a Lima branch of Sylvan Learning Center has programmed its curriculum to meet up-to-date technology.

“Knowing that STEM is very much a push in education and there is very much a need for younger students, Sylvan found that these programs we offer as early as first grade, allows kids to start to have an understanding and have some fun with it,” said Caren Beckett, owner of the Lima-based Sylvan branch.

Caren and her husband Craig own the Lima-based Sylvan Learning Center, which also features satellite locations in Delphos and Wapakoneta.

After graduating from the Ohio State University, Caren Beckett said she loves giving the personal attention to students who need academic help finding their strengths.

She brought that desire to the table locally.

Last year, the Lima location served as a pilot location for the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math program for the corporate Sylvan office.

In addition to the after-school program’s standard reading, writing, math and homework tutoring, the STEM courses are geared for students as young as first grade, open to any student interested.

“When we see that [corporate is] coming out with some new opportunities with a new program, we really take a good look and work with our contacts, saying ‘this is something that we would love to do’,” she said.

Identifying the large need for this type of education, “we wanted to get on this as quickly as we could,” she said.

For Caren, it’s exciting to watch children learning and grasping new ideas, at any age.

The program offers educational tools for subset programs such as robotics, something Caren has seen a growing interest in for her students.

From an early age, students are able to familiarize themselves with the proper terminology and the concepts.

Caren noted Delphos St. John’s interest in the program, and how schools are able to incorporate robotics into its curriculum, hoping to involve her students with the school’s program more.

“You really get to see the effects and see the positives and things that change a kid’s life when you’re doing this,” she said.

Those interested in enrolling their child in Lima branch of Sylvan Learning Center’s STEM should call 419-331-7323.