Bluffton U. adds 2 majors

BLUFFTON — Bluffton University is adding two majors to its list of more than 85 academic programs.

The university will add teaching English to speakers of other countries and pre-art therapy.

Teaching English to speakers of other countries has been a minor for the past two decades but its being expanded to a major that includes courses in language, education and social science, the university announced.

The pre-art therapy major will expand by merging the fine arts with the social sciences with an emphasis on psychology.

“We know students are interested in finding these intersections, so developing a major that explicitly draws these pieces together will help them see how they can prepare for this field, Lamar Nisly, the associate dean of academic affairs, said in a written statement.

The university also is adding to its public health major by adding two new areas of concentration, health management and pre-biostatistics.

Health management concentration combines the core public health curriculum with core classes from the management curriculum, the university announced.

The new concentrations were created after suggestions by students and considering ways to enhance the public health program.