Tamie Wilson: Protecting and honoring unions this Labor Day

As we celebrate Labor Day, I’m reminded of the countless contributions of America’s workers, those whose sweat, determination, and skill have built this country. Labor Day stands to honor the working men and women who keep our State and Nation moving.

Unions have always played a pivotal role in this success. Fighting for better wages and benefits, along with securing critical protections, unions ensure that all are treated with dignity and fairness in the workplace. Unlike Jim Jordan, I have seen firsthand the challenges workers face and believe deeply in the power of unions to uplift and support workers.

I will stand firm in defending and voting for the cornerstone of worker protections in America: Unions.

Standing by unions is the obvious choice, although one that Jordan consistently votes against. He doesn’t advocate for safer working conditions or the ability to retire. On the contrary, Jordan has advocated for raising the minimum retirement age and has consistently voted against worker safety measures and unions.

Jordan has turned his back on the very people who are the heart of our workforce. For years, we’ve watched destructive republican politicians and corporations attempt to chip away at union power, stripping workers of their rights and dismantling protections that so many fought so hard to achieve. Negligence like this hurts families, weakens our communities, and threatens the future of the middle class.

We cannot stand by and let that happen.

When I am elected, I will fight tirelessly to protect unions, support workers, and ensure that their rights are respected and upheld. Empowering unions to continue their critical work is something I will advocate for in Washington as well as back here at home. When workers do better, we all do better.

Strong unions create strong communities.

As we reflect on Labor Day, let it be a reminder of the work still ahead. Workers are facing significant threats to their rights. Corporations are outsourcing jobs, cutting benefits, and pushing for policies that weaken labor protections; this imbalance is unjust and unsustainable.

I am committed to protecting unions, defending workers, and building a future where every Ohioan can thrive.

Tamie Wilson is running for the U.S. House of Representatives against U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan. Her column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Lima News editorial board or AIM Media, owner of The Lima News.