Charles Thomas: Trump’s vile example

No one can be shocked, surprised or breathless anymore at the recklessness emanating from the mouth of the 45th president of president of the United States. The misogyny, bigotry , hatred and exclusion has all been normalized in the aura of who Donald Trump is.

We can no longer have that jaw-dropping moment when we walk into a public domain and wonder why we hear young people speaking openly about lewd behavior, when lewd behavior is normal coming from the man who was elected to the most powerful position in the world.

I found myself with just a shrug of the shoulder when I read about his latest sexual perverted statement and realized that my shoulders are tired of the shrugs brought on by the lose tongue of 45. What is even more shocking, as well as disturbing, is that this infantile behavior is so acceptable to 45 percent of the people of this country, which in itself tells me that one would need to diminish oneself for that kind of behavior to be acceptable.

How does one navigate through life weaving your way exhibiting the goodness in your heart only to have it washed away when you stand and applaud the rudeness and ignorance of a self-anointed man who is always at odds with the truth, no matter what the subject is? How do you criticize high school boys, who I have seen recently on Facebook, for using that same language but yet find it acceptable for the most important position in the world? You simply can’t have it both ways.

People who support his nonsense are usually angry and easily manipulated, too lazy to seek out the truth.

As an example; for the last four years this man has clung to the Twilight Zone theory that the election was stolen. Following the 2016 election, in which he claimed massive voter fraud, 45 appointed Republican Kris Kobach to head the Trump Voter Fraud Commission in 2017. Kobach, at the time, was Secretary of State in Kansas. After six months of investigations, the Trump Voter Fraud Commission was forced to shut down because of a lack of evidence. After more than 60 courts threw out all of Trump’s voter fraud claims for lack of evidence, the lie continues to this day because he is a master manipulator who creates or validates the need for his followers to have a target for their anger and rage.

It was through his art of manipulation that led to the first domestic attack on the United States government since the Civil War. His attacks on any person of color have become everyday babble, while he forgets that the very same people, Muslim Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Black Americans have all given their lives defending this country while he was addressing a corn on his foot. They defended the country, 45 attacked it.

And in those graves of glory, there are no “Suckers and Losers,” that title belongs to we the people for putting him in office the first time.

I have a deep sense of hope that those who have fallen victim to his lies and deceptions are ready to be emancipated from the clutch of anger, rage and hostility that holds them to his fault-filled being. Perhaps it will be a start in removing us from being forced to listen to the vulgarities of a president and our youth.

We are nearing a decisive day in which we can decide that America is a nation of hate and anger, or we can choose to write a new chapter in the book of America. It is possible because America’s future doesn’t rest in the mind of a much corrupted man, it lies with us. I am betting that most of America views Trump through the same lens that I do, and that gives me comfort.

Charles Thomas lives in Lima. His column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Lima News editorial board or AIM Media, owner of The Lima News.