Mark Figley: ‘Newcomer’ plan doesn’t make sense

In the world of stupendous ideas, chalk up another one for Michigan. It seems the state is introducing a program offering its citizens $500 a month to take in what were formerly known as illegal aliens. Joe Biden’s Democrats just keep doubling down when it comes to rewarding illegal border crossers as an election grows closer.

The new and illustrious concept, referred to as the “Newcomer Rental Subsidy,” would provide a home for refugees, asylum-seekers and victims of human trafficking, all groups the Biden administration has created a constant stream of.

This financial incentive would be available for up to one year, and according to Amy Hovey, executive director of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, would assist migrants in helping “build a new life” in America.

Yet problems a plenty are evident with this proposal.

Michigan, like much of the United States, is suffering from severe financial stress. The state’s automobile industry is reeling from Democrats’ preoccupation with electric cars, which consumers have no desire for. This hasn’t stopped federal officials from pressuring automakers to press on with the green revolution, even as it means future layoffs for assembly line workers.

Small towns dotted across the state are also in decline. Main Street storefronts are boarded up after years of economic stress, much of which was hastened by Biden and Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s draconian COVID shutdown policies.

As the residents of these towns are ravaged by the obscene inflationary spending of a president who seeks to impose electoral supremacy, the Democratic Party continues to reach out to illegal entrants to the United States at the expense of taxpayers who are openly neglected and verbally disparaged.

One could ask who would take in someone from another country that they know nothing about? Does $500 per month in assistance help them sleep better at night knowing a stranger is in the house? If a problem results, can under-manned police be expected to come to the scene? How many more potential Laken Rileys will result from improper newcomer vetting? And where will problematic “newcomers” go if they become homeless or reach their 12-month subsidy limit? Does anyone truly believe that Michigan officials have devoted any serious thought to such questions?

Then there is the reverse side of the coin. How many sponsors will sign up for a financial bonanza to take advantage of those who are vulnerable? Again, how much vetting will actually occur to weed out those with ideas of human trafficking or other questionable intentions? Don’t look for the ethically-challenged Biden regime to instill any safeguards to this process. Not when it can continue to promote a constant flow of humanity from around the world.

The open borders movement is an onion made up of endless layers. While this assault takes a multitude of various forms, its goal is simple: Destroy the existing fabric of America and replace it with a homogenous voting bloc that is forever devoted to guaranteeing complete Democratic Party domination of the United States.

Michigan’s latest absurd attempt at compassion is but another example of organized Democratic manipulation with this purpose in mind. It proves that illegal immigration is no longer a problem limited to Texas, since every state is now a border state. Democratic governors in places such as Arizona and California too are dutiful soldiers in maintaining porous borders to keep it that way.

The tentacles of illegal immigration run deep in America even as Joe Biden’s putrid debate performance is frozen in our minds. Yet this grossly unfit and incapacitated president remains determined to win a second term as president, armed with a dangerous immigration strategy that will end in America’s destruction unless he is defeated in November.

Mark Figley is a political activist and guest columnist from Elida. His column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Lima News editorial board or AIM Media, owner of The Lima News.