
Letter: Stop abortion extremism, and use your vote wisely


After Roe v. Wade was overturned, a lot of Catholics breathed a sigh of relief. But it didn’t take long before pro-abortion activists started challenging state abortion restrictions about to go into effect in many states. As seen in Kansas and Michigan, pro-abortion laws are being put on the ballot that are far more extreme than Roe v. Wade.

Letter: Don’t penalize business for doing a good job


Do you remember the story of the Little Red Hen? The Little Red Hen asked the other barn animals to help her plant, weed and harvest her wheat. Nobody wanted to help, but they all came running when they smelled the bread baking.

Letter: Time to focus on giving thanks, helping others


I am writing this letter with the hope that everyone is done sending in their opinions on the upcoming election. Now take a deep breath and remember what great day is coming next.

Letter: No explanation why union leaders still support Dems


Our country is caught in the grip of runaway inflation. Our borders are open to anyone who can pay the cartels enough to get them here. We are on the brink of war with Russia. And still our local unions are supporting Democrats.

Letter: Plenty of ways to help with the Democrats


Carole Daley’s Oct. 26 letter (Local Democrats must do a better job) addressed several issues upon which we can agree: Gerrymandering can “result in maps that are deeply unrepresentative” in Ohio districts, for which you can thank Republicans Matt Huffman, Bob Cupp and Mike DeWine.

Letter: Short memories about how safe we really were


It seems the theme of many political ads in this election is safety. Several candidates suggest that there was less crime before President Biden was elected.

Letter: King would represent the people in Columbus


Six years ago, many people in Celina, the Grand Lake area and the U.S. rallied around the Brian and Kelly Anderson family to “Bring Maddy Home.” The outpouring of support for Maddy (a foster child whose birth mother wanted the Andersons to raise her) was amazing. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court of Ohio, and justice was rendered and Maddy came home to her family. Good triumphed over evil.

Letter: The republic is sick and needs recuperation


The country is in a very sad state, and the Trump era was no exception to the many failed attempts to improve the state of the republic. Yes, with all the votes cast, it still was an election with just 55% of the citizens qualified to vote actually casting a ballot… another good indicator the republic is sick.

Letter: Ryan can’t fight the momentum of Dems


I just got done watching the debate between Tim Ryan and J.D. Vance. Ryan sounded almost like a conservative.

Letter: Shakeup in Washington best way to solve mess


I’ve been watching/reading all the stuff on student loan forgiveness. I preface this with I paid my student loans off. While I don’t agree with student loan forgiveness, I don’t begrudge anyone who will benefit from the forgiveness.