
Letter: Grateful for ‘oldies’ dances at Lima Eagles


On Aug. 11, Oct. 11 and Dec. 8, the Allen County Council on Aging provided three dances at the Lima Eagles in the afternoons, with the Al Best Band performing. The band played the “oldies” songs we remember from our youth, and we have fun dancing with our friends. Also, the nursing care facilities bring in their special people, with special people who help all of them get there and get settled to also enjoy the music or dance.

Letter: Political parties proving to be the problem lately


When I started reading “Sinema misses point about party” (Dec. 14), I assumed the author was being sarcastic. Then I read, “Imagine voting without political parties. One would have to carefully research each candidate’s policy stances and group loyalties in order to cast an informed ballot.” It was clear that this college professor does not get that this is the problem.

Letter: How does new bill stand with God?


I am writing in response to the same-sex part in the article in The Lima News on Dec. 9, “Bill protecting same-sex, interracial unions clears Congress.” This article states that this legislation reflects a stark turnaround in societal attitudes.

Letter: Mistaken assumptions about Sinema’s move to independent


Kathy Ball’s letter in the Dec. 14 edition of The Lima News says, “Krysten Sinema, the Democratic senator from Arizona, announced Friday that she has registered as an independent and says she will caucus with Republicans.”

Letter: Grateful for efforts to recover sunglasses


On Dec. 2, I was at the Allen County Museum. Having on this heavy jacket with shallow pockets, I lost my sunglasses. I would like to thank the person who turned them in.

Letter: Prisoner swap ignored the Soldier’s Creed


With the recent prisoner swap, President Joe Biden brings home a convicted criminal but leaves an ex-U.S. Marine behind.

Letter: Huffman, Cupp continue politically motivated actions


Five times the Ohio Supreme Court was given partisan-drawn political maps, and none of them were any better than what we were trying to get rid of, like the Duck or the Snake On The Lake. It was so late in the process that they had to be held up and used in the 2022 midterm elections. We could have predicted how that came out, and once again Bob Cupp and Matt Huffman, our local insurrectionists, played the Ohio legislature like a fiddle.

Letter: Answered prayers, politically speaking


I am thanking God for answering my prayers. After the 2020 election, I lost all faith in our voting process. It has not been proven that there was voter fraud, yet!

Letter: Farmer remains dedicated to natural, healthy ecosystem


The holiday season is here, and many families are preparing by adding festive decor and baking delicious treats, among other items. While our family is getting ready, we’re also preparing our northwestern Ohio farm and planning for how we can continue to improve our operations, including protecting the land and waterways.

Letter: Distrust of elections erodes our democracy


Nikita Khrushchev in 1956 said, “We will take America without firing a shot. … We will destroy you from within.”