
Letter: Clarifying the real value of the dollar


This is just a comment on the cartoon in Wednesday’s newspaper. According to The Wall Street Journal (Dec. 21), the U.S. dollar is worth 0.9412 euros. However, it takes 131.70 yen to make one dollar, and it takes 70.25 rubles to make one dollar.

Letter: Girl at pageant dances with pure joy of Christmas


I’m grateful to have attended the St. Charles Christmas pageant. I do not know the identity of the blonde-haired angel in the top row. She danced without pretense, choreography or objective. She danced with the pure joy of being a child at Christmas. Here’s a warm thank you to staff and performers.

Letter: Land Value Tax works better than current taxes


The Dec. 20th article in The Lima News, “Schools deal with tax issues” reminded me of a couple of articles that I have routinely shared on social media. These articles (“Handing out tax breaks to businesses is worse than useless,” Bloomberg Business News, March 17, 2017; “The most socially just tax,” Progress Magazine, Sept. 24, 2019) discuss the problem of and solution to the tax issue being dealt with by local area schools.

Letter: Santa’s elves paid for a tasty meal


Santa’s elves are busy this time of year.

Letter: The gift of Christmas


God had a plan for the Virgin Mary. She was chosen to be the mother of the Son of God. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her, “Fear not God’s spirit will shadow you, and you will have a baby and call him Jesus Christ.”

Letter: Democrats are at least consistent


The January 6th Committee has released its report. Did anyone actually think that a group made up of hand-picked Trump haters and two Rinos would come to any other conclusion than to refer the issue to the Justice Department for prosecution? Led by the bug-eyed Adam Schiff, who has consistently lied about having evidence of President Trump being a Russian agent, and the prefect Trump hater Liz Chaney, this kangaroo court has consistently lied and covered up the true facts surrounding the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2020, by calling it an insurrection.

Letter: Lima showed kindness when car broke down


On Monday, my husband was out in our Kia Soul at the eastside Walmart. The Soul suffered a breakdown and couldn’t be driven.

Letter: 6-year-old twins gave unexpected gift


My friend and I were at Panera Bread on Sunday moring. Twin girls age 6, Mabel and Mona, came up to us and gave each of us a homemade makeup bag, just as a little Christmas gift. How sweet of them, and unexpected.

Letter: Gratitude and thankfulness for unexpected gesture


I would like to say a big “thank you” to the table of four who paid for my meal at Lock Sixteen on Dec. 8. What a surprise when the waitress said my meal was paid for by you. You were gone by that time, so I hope you are reading this.

Letter: Thoughtful young men helped after accident


I want to thank the two young men driving a flatbed truck on Nov. 30. I was headed to the YMCA in Lima, and a dump truck was headed towards me on the west side of the refinery, when two objects flew up and out of the truck.