
Letter: Auglaize officials assumed Wine was guilty from start


This is a follow-up from the letter about a month ago by Bob Clark regarding the unusual prosecution of Dr. Doug Wine, of St. Marys. I, too, have read Brice Brenneman’s book, “The Strange Case of Dr. Wine.” I encourage others to obtain this book that illustrates the bizarre justice that Dr. Wine received at the hands of the Auglaize County court system.

Letter: More proof of circus yet to come in Congress


The fiasco Tuesday in Congress gives us a good idea of how things will go for the next few years. The Republicans cannot even agree on a Speaker. The small faction of loonies opposing Kevin McCarthy will never change their votes. It is more important to them to cause chaos than do the job they were elected to do, governing.

Letter: Don’t besmirch character of entire TFC leadership


I’d like to direct an inquiry to Becky Hartung after Sunday’s letter, “Teens for Christ board must resign, start over.”

Letter: Pay attention when Biden speaks the truth


I’ve been thinking back on some of the statements that President Joe Biden has made.

Letter: Teens for Christ board must resign and start over


Despite the Teens for Christ board’s attempt to reopen in Lima, the public must continue to ask questions until it is clear what structural changes are in place to ensure that future students are safe within the organization.

Letter: Not sorry to see Pitts’ retirement


Talk about a Christmas miracle! There was one on the Dec. 18 editorial page of The Lima News… Leonard Pitts is retiring!

Letter: The end of COVID, if we pay attention


I’m not a preacher, a priest or a prophet. Only a single religious class (required for graduation at Bluffton College) gives me any right to consider the acts of God. However, for about 70 of my 87 years, I’ve read, studied and considered the Holy Scriptures. Also, I’ve been privileged and blessed by pastors, Sunday School teachers, Bible study and small group leaders.

Letter: Portman stood up to keep JSMC open


In 2011, the Obama Administration proposed shutting down the Abrams tank production line at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima. Shutting the plant down would have endangered hundreds of jobs at the Lima facility and thousands more with suppliers around the country.

Letter: Grateful to community for Blankets For Veterans


The people at Forest Park United Methodist Church and Pastor Lynda Lockwood would like to thank all of Lima and the surrounding areas for your kind support in donating lap and throw blankets for the six nursing homes at the Dayton VA Hospital Campus. There were a total of 709 blankets — quilts, crochet, regular blankets and throw blankets. Fourteen came from Lima Towers that went to the Lima VA Clinic at 750 W. North St., Lima.

Letter: No more excuses from the losing side


Mark Figley makes the same types of arguments to explain away a defeat that I heard after President Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton. They said it was Russian collusion, that the Russians manipulated voters with social media.