
Letter: Hear these grievances on telemarkets, support


This is just a head’s up or an FYI, whatever you want to call it, to all telemarketers: If you hang up right after I say “hello,” you will never be able to sell me anything. So don’t call me anymore.

Letter: Biden shouldn’t help McCarthy’s malcontents


Speaker Kevin McCarthy is soon to be the third Republican Speaker of the House to be run out of town by his own zealots. John Boehner and Paul Ryan received that treatment.

Letter: Lima region was lucky to have Usher at games


We wish to express our sincere gratitude to The Lima News columnists Jim Naveau and John Grindrod for their profoundly heartfelt thoughts in their respective articles concerning remembering Tom Usher.

Letter: Ohio corruption trial deserves attention


There is currently extensive media coverage and apparent interest in the trial of a corrupt South Carolina lawyer. In fact, just a few days ago, The Lima News printed an article by one of its national commentators on this subject.

Letter: Statue of Liberty describes best immigration policy


Americans who are concerned about immigrants crossing our borders need to remember how our nation began and what it stands for.

Letter: American government must show its strength


Why are American citizens standing by letting the U.S. become so weak? We are continuing to let the Biden administration, the weakest and most corrupt in modern times, continue to make America wimpy. Why?

Letter: Huffman’s war on public schools


Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman says closing Leo Academy is an anomaly. These private schools open, saying they will do better than the public schools and don’t want any oversight. The state gives no oversight, and test scores show they do worse. Many close, and the money spent on them is gone.

Letter: Enjoy Van Wert Civic Theatre’s ‘The Lion in Winter’


Now comes before us a tale ages old. Of family, and treachery, (set in France, I am told!).

Letter: Nothing wrong with just country music


With the Allen County Fair concert, country-rock? Country-pop? How about country-country?

Letter: Republicans two-faced on congressional budget


In today’s news cycle, there is much to write about, and perhaps the Tyre Nichols story is the most important. A letter to the editor does not give justice to that circumstance, so I will focus on the debate over the congressional budget.