
Letter: Lima’s Black history should be on display


What amazing work by the Bluffton University students in Dr. Bush’s theory and application class, uncovering the first Black neighborhoods in Lima.

Letter: Spread the word that Fox can’t be trusted


It is now fully documented. During the 2020 elections and their aftermath, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson and other Fox commentators knew and said off the air that the evidence for a rigged and stolen election was false and ridiculous. They mocked Trump’s legal team looking into election fraud, election machine tampering and Jewish laser beams changing the election outcomes.

Letter: Energy decisions for me, not for thee


After a recent trip to Casa Grande, Arizona, it was alarming to see acres and acres of farmland being plowed up not for solar but for housing and business development. I did see a few solar panels on house roofs and a high school that had solar panels in its parking lot, which provided shade for the parked cars.

Letter: Changes not just for law enforcement officers


This is in response to Brian Cheney’s letter (Time to support Social Security Fairness Act, Feb. 25). I paid into Social Security for more than 15 years in my younger years.

Letter: VFW needs more younger members


In response to Grace Woolley’s letter, “Someone should step up for honors at funerals,” I wish to express my sincere sympathy for the loss of your brother and sincerely thank him for his service.

Letter: A special thanks to Lima Memorial staff


With the passing of my wife, LaRose, I want to thank all on 3 South at Lima Memorial Health System for their care and compassion for her.

Letter: Someone should step up for honors at funerals


We buried my brother earlier this month. He was an Army combat veteran in Vietnam with the Rangers (Big Red One).

Letter: Nothing new with slow payments from Medicaid


Reading the story about caregivers waiting for pay from Medicaid brought back many memories — none good.

Letter: Time to support Social Security Fairness Act


They put their lives on the line daily and deserve full benefits; they earned it!

Letter: Grateful to win Valentine contest


It is with a sincere thank you to The Lima News for the Valentine Sweetheart Contest that I was fortunate to win.