
Letter: Congress vs. Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood too costly for the U.S. Budget ?I almost choked when I read that. Here are some interesting facts: The Speaker of the...

Letter: Obama serves U.S. with integrity

It’s about time that everyone recognize the integrity and righteousness of Obama (and by extension the Democratic Party). Faced with the Iran deal and...

Letter: Beware of a man in a pope’s robe

This pope is proving to be quite controversial.He is on record for giving priests and bishops the rite to absolve women’s sin of abortion...

Letter: Look at me, vote no on Issue 3

I was born in 1962 and remember watching reports on television about the Vietnam War. It was a turbulent time. A lot of energy...

Letter: Keep finger on Washington

Reading the editorials in The Lima News is disconcerting. Our country is suffering on so many levels: excessive government regulation, excessive spending, excessive entitlement...

Letter: Don’t legalize marijuana

I wholeheartedly agree with the Sept. 19 column written by State Rep McColley in The Lima News concerning State Issue 3. If this issue...

Letter: John Nixon right for job

Lima needs as its City Council president a person that has:• compassion for the city and its problems• experience in leadership• experience in problem...

Letter: Mother had chance for teaching moment

Oh my. Sarah Nickles was horrified and offended because she had to look at extremely graphic photos of murdered babies when passing an abortion...

Letter: Once great U.S. remains great

Regarding Annette Miller’s letter on Sept. 11, “GOP’s sleeping.”No one is asking anyone to change your Christian beliefs. Since when is change to become...

Letter: Real solutions needed for lake

Thanks to The Lima News for the story about the highly polluted Grand Lake St. Marys. The Guardians of Grand Lake are often labeled...