
Letter: Keep Ohio from going to pot

Please vote “no” on Issue 3. Folks who became addicts all started with marijuana. Consider how much the people were paid in the TV...

Letter: Be proud of Jim Jordan

After watching Rep. Jim Jordan go after Mrs. Clinton during the most recent Benghazi hearings, I have to compliment the voters of Lima and...

Letter: Ouch! Flu shots mandatory at St. Rita’s

What would you do if when you went to your workplace and they informed you that you had to get a flu shot to...

Letter: Political claims simply maddening

How unsettling when politicians make broad claims about important matters without substantiating them with verified data. “Our mayor is the highest paid mayor in...

Letter: Never give up on yourself

This is for people who have big dreams and give up.Well, I’m 11 years old and my dream is singing. I keep getting feedback...

Letter: Don’t be a dope; ‘No’ on Issue 3

I have been appalled by the huge number of commercials on TV urging the passage of Issue 3 which would legalize marijuana for medicinal...

Letter: Meat industry is scary

I was never scared of all the witches, zombies and assorted goblins wandering around on Halloween.What really used to scare me was the meat...

Letter: You’re always welcome to vote

A few questions about voting:• If you vote, then when do you vote? All eligible to vote can cast their ballot on Tuesday, Nov....

Letter: Ride-a-Thon helps Equestrian Therapy

The Equestrian Therapy Program held its 22nd annual Ride-A-Thon/Pumpkin Festival at Fassett Farm. Despite the rainy weather, the day was a huge success due...

Letter: Climate change blamed for poor

Our new world order President Obama and United Nations say climate change is the reason there are poor in the world. That is dead...