
Letter: Shawnee school board member a write-in candidate

I would like to apologize to the Shawnee School District voters for not filing my paper work in time to have my name printed...

Letter: Kreher the new leader Lima needs

Voters in Lima’s 4th Ward have a unique opportunity. A young woman, Rebecca Kreher, is one of our next generation’s leaders to step forward...

Letter: Metz a blessing for Wapakoneta

I would like to encourage the citizens of Wapakoneta to join me in voting to re-elect Mr. Rodney Metz as the mayor of our...

Letter: Legalize, control, tax marijuana

Since Ronald Reagan declared War on Drugs, the overall results have been a dismal failure. The law enforcement community has done its best, but...

Letter: Civil service testing changes needed

There are three reasons I encourage our city council and civil service board to consider a change in policy to allow our city departments...

Letter: Kasich congratulates Lima NAACP for Freedom Fund banquet

On behalf of all Ohioans, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to the Lima unit of the National Association for the Advancement...

Letter: Jim Jordan lives in his own world

Well Ohio, are you all proud of the performance by your representative Jim Jordan during the Ben Ghazi hearings?I think Connie Shultz said it...

Letter: Nixon has solid track record

Having known John Nixon for several years, I believe he has the proven background and qualifications necessary to continue serving the residents of Lima...

Letter: What’s needed in a leader

I watched the first Democratic debate to see what a potential president might do for our country. I heard no ideas to deal with...

Letter: ‘Tom Tebben logical choice’

Who do you vote for?He won the last time and I am sure you are glad that he did win. Speaking of Mr. Tom...