
Chicago Tribune: Putin as America’s frenemy

NOV. 18, 2015 — How much do we trust Vladimir Putin? Not at all, even when he does the right thing.Russia on Tuesday launched...

Bloomberg View: Shutting door on Syrian refugees helps Islamic State

Of all the reactions to Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris, some U.S. politicians’ objections to resettling Syrian refugees may be the most irrational. President...

Chicago Tribune: Now the world must decide about Islamic State

“We’re going into battle. We will be pitiless.”— French President Francois Hollande———Twenty-six days after terrorists attacked the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, this...

Los Angeles Times: A deficit of details at debate

NOV. 12, 2015 — For an event that was supposed to focus on economics, debate among the eight leading Republican presidential candidates offered...

Chicago Tribune: What’s wrong with policing campus speech

NOV. 13, 2015 — This summer, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon signed into law the Campus Free Expression Act, which prohibits the state’s universities from...

Bloomberg View: Obama deserves an answer on his immigration policy

It is the genius of the law to reduce a morally fraught battle over power and liberty to a petty dispute over drivers’ licenses....

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Hero-traitor: The Justice Department should offer Snowden a deal

NOV. 6, 2015 — The European Parliament has urged its member states to embrace American fugitive Edward Snowden as a “whistle-blower and international human...

Editorial: Special historical significance this Veterans Day

This year we must pause to acknowledge the sacrifice of American veterans over hundreds of years in many different countries.Americans have invaded or fought...

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Plumes of life? NASA’s Cassini probe seeks answers near Saturn

NOV. 2, 2015 — Last week, the Cassini spacecraft dipped into an icy, liquid geyser of a faraway world circling Saturn. The spacecraft, launched...

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: 15 years on: The International Space Station exemplifies global cooperation

NOV. 5, 2015 — Few symbols of global cooperation resonate as much as the International Space Station. Celebrating 15 years of study this week,...