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John Grindrod: All souvenirs are not created equal


With March comes spring training, a past time that traces its roots back to the New York Mutuals. Some baseball historians believe to be the first team to hold spring training somewhere other than its home field. For those that follow the top-tier teams, such as pals of mine Joe Stoll and Bill Howell who’ve pledged their allegiance to the Reds and Pirates — teams that finished last season with identical moribund records of 62-100 — hope springs eternal each spring.

Reghan Winkler: Spring cleaning, DIY or for-hire


Spring is just around the corner, and now is the perfect time to start getting your home ready for the season. Here is a checklist to help you start tackling your spring cleaning and home maintenance tasks.

Legal-Ease: Trusts: types, differences and similarities


Trusts are most easily thought of as being sets of rules. Thus, I may have a trust, which is a set of rules, that I can name whatever I want.

Mike Curtin: Proposed barrier would halt key changes in Ohio


The Ohio Constitution, our second, is from 1851. As befits a 172-year-old document, it endures by changing with the times, as voters see fit.

Tom Purcell: Still time to save us from Daylight Saving Time


I dread the coming of Sunday, March 12.

Christine Flowers: Muddling of gender distinctions has found previously sacred ground


In the last few years, it has become common to see people put their pronouns in their email sign-offs and to hear the phrase “gender fluid.”

Robert B. Reich: Greed needs guardrails!


I’m not surprised that migrant children who have been coming into the United States from Latin America without their parents, fleeing violence and poverty, have ended up in some of the most punishing jobs in the country.

Mark Figley: Continuing need for monument


In another sign of the cancel culture’s societal rampage, a little-reported independent commission has recommended that the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery be taken down. Obviously, history was a factor completely ignored in reaching this conclusion.

Holy Cow! History: The gift that killed Gen. Grant


Watch out for unintended consequences. They’ll get you every time.