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David Trinko: On campus after all these years


It seems so strange being a visitor to a place you once called home.

Maralee Sullivan: Come see what the Lima schools offer


When my husband and I were young parents, we heard all the naysayers. We heard the negative comments. We heard all the supposed reasons we should not enroll our three children in the Lima City Schools.

John Grindrod: Feeling nostalgic for my temporary haunts


During my work days, I’ll periodically find myself on college campuses doing cleaning inspections in residence halls. And, while the areas I’m evaluating are limited to common spaces and not the dorm rooms themselves, often doors are open, providing me some glimpses at the young folks’ temporary quarters, the tidiness (or often the lack thereof) and the décor.

Reghan Winkler: How small businesses keep customers


Loyalty is the ultimate compliment for a small business. If you are managing a business, it is essential to build customer loyalty and engage your customers.

Legal-Ease: Is my money in the bank safe?


Although every business is different, banks are businesses like other businesses. Some businesses buy and sell cars, and other businesses sell services. Banks can be thought of as buying and selling the use of money.

Michael Reagan: President Biden leads America to defeat


Everyone in the national media this week was worrying about whether Donald Trump was going to be arrested in New York.

S.E. Cupp: Indictment no badge of honor


It was 1998, and the House of Representatives had just approved two articles of impeachment for Bill Clinton’s “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Term ‘ma’am’ does not need to be offensive


Two weeks ago, I came across a thought-provoking article posted on CNN.com by Janelle Davis titled “How ‘ma’am’ went from being a respectful word for some — but polarizing for others.”

Jerry Zezima: The great egg mystery


Why did the chicken cross the road? To lay an egg in my backyard.

Marc Bowker: No, we won’t deliver Amazon’s stuff


Last Thursday, two Amazon employees came into my building to pitch a great opportunity: Allowing my staff to deliver Amazon packages, while they’re on the clock. No, really!