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David Trinko: Jesus alive and well in our world


“Why do you seek the living one among the dead? He is not here, but he has been raised.”

Dr. Jessica Johnson: Grateful for the Bread of Life today


During Easter, many of us look forward to what is traditionally called breaking bread, having a delicious, full-course spread with family and friends. One of my church sisters describes her Easter dinner as a “mini-Thanksgiving meal.”

John Grindrod: People’s names, some seem perfect fits


As I’ve mentioned in a number of columns over the years, I’m certainly a huge “Seinfeld” fan. Although the final installment has been an impossible 25 years ago, the show remains so very easily accessed on both cable and streaming services to this day.

Reghan Winkler: Don’t be fooled by a deepfake


To trick you, scammers need to earn your trust first. What better way than by posing as a popular celebrity? Recently, BBB Scam Tracker has received numerous reports involving products supposedly endorsed by well-known and trusted celebrities. With the rise in deepfake scams and ever-improving AI technology, these phony endorsements are more convincing than ever.

Legal-Ease: New Ohio distracted driving law


Last week, Ohio adopted a new law that precludes almost all operators of moving vehicles from using or holding electronic devices like phones, tablets and GPS devices.

Christine Flowers: Refusal to be blunt about mental illness leading to chaos


When an entire kindergarten class was murdered by Adam Lanza two weeks before Christmas in 2012, I was paralyzed with grief.

Tom Purcell: Hey, Medicare, I’m counting on you


I will qualify for Medicare coverage in five years and, much to my surprise, I can’t wait to get government health coverage — because my current coverage is pricey.

Mark Figley: What’s the end game in Ukraine?


As the war in Ukraine enters its second year, there is no apparent end in sight. For its part, Ukraine defines victory as a return to the borders that existed prior to the Russian takeover of Crimea in 2014. Meanwhile, Russia has no intention of relinquishing control of 40,000 square miles of southeastern Ukraine, nor of Crimea, which guarantees it quick naval access to the Eastern Mediterranean, Balkans and the Middle East. Ethnic Russians also comprise a significant portion of the overall population in eastern and southern Ukraine.

S.E. Cupp: Trump appeals to paranoia while attacking everyone


In the wake of nearly every investigation — from his two impeachments to the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago for classified documents to his arrest and arraignment this week for hush money payments — Donald Trump continually promises that you will be the next target of the corrupt government, the deep state, the Democrats, the media, the intelligence community and whomever else he’s made a convenient bogeyman.

Jerry Zezima: ‘A grand decade’


On March 30, 2013, a date which will live in infancy, I became a grandfather.