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Legal-Ease: Hourly, salary or independent contractor?


Some people are paid by the hour, day or week. Other people are paid by the “job”.

Michael Reagan: Save the planet from a President Newsom


My governor Gavin Newsom has finally found an excuse to get out of the state he’s been tyrannizing for the last three years.

Ron Lora: Looking ahead to Arbor Day


“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” Warren Buffet’s words identify the focus of this column: Arbor Day, when we honor the importance of trees on planet Earth – and in our neighborhood. The official day falls on the last Friday of April, the 28th this year, though some states use a different day that’s better for their planting seasons.

Don Stratton: Maybe ‘viewed’ is becoming the better option


Once I reached an age sufficient to be called a certified geezer, I started giving a standard reply to one certain comment. When someone says, “Good to see you,” I usually reply, “Better to be seen than viewed.”

Jerry Zezima: Eat, drink and be married


Love means never having to say you’re sorry for taking your wife to a diner for your 45th wedding anniversary.

Holy Cow! History: The brilliantly ‘stupid’ POW


The North Vietnamese didn’t know what to make of their prisoner.

Robert B. Reich: Is the GOP becoming the American fascist party?


I hate to say this, but America no longer has two parties devoted to a democratic system of self-government. We have a Democratic Party, which — notwithstanding a few glaring counter-examples such as what the Democratic National Committee did to Bernie in 2016 — is still largely committed to democracy. And we have a Republican Party, which is careening at high-velocity toward authoritarianism. OK, fascism.

Christine Flowers: Prosecuting political foe not direction U.S. wants to go


I once had a client from a country where the instability of the government led to widespread chaos.

Michael Reagan: America loses the Democrats’ dirty game


Everyone knows the felony charges against Donald Trump for paying hush-money to a porn star are ridiculous.

Lori Borgman: Grace that sometimes seems too good to be true


There were three things our friend Dan loved (besides his wife): a good steak, a good beer and prison.