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Legal-Ease: What is a real estate closing?


In the context of real estate, a common word that is mentioned is “closing”. Closing is technically the literal place and time where the sale and purchase of real estate is finalized with the seller getting money and the buyer getting the deed to the property, often along with possession of the property. Business transactions where money and property, including businesses, are exchanged are also called “closings”, but most people experience closings in the context of real estate.

Charles Thomas: Listen to Henderson, jazz in Lima


With much gratitude, it is nice to see recognition for Lima’s only four-time Grammy award winner in Joe Henderson.

Greg R. Lawson: School choice for every child, every family, every community


Ohio’s voucher programs and other school choice options need to be made available to every child and every family in every community. The state has a $6 billion surplus of taxpayer money sitting in its coffers. As the Ohio Senate finalizes the state’s biennial budget, it should direct some of that excess to pay for putting K-12 students and their academic success first.

S.E. Cupp: Tucker’s ‘shocking’ text message does not shock


In the minutes, hours, and days after the shock of Tucker Carlson’s firing from Fox News settled in, the immediate question became: Why? And more pointedly, Why now?

Mark Figley: Left keeps provoking violence


When Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or AOC for short, calls out Tucker Carlson and Fox News for “incitement of violence,” it’s time to take a closer look at who is really doing the inciting across the American political landscape. One doesn’t have to look far to find examples.

Robert B. Reich: Advice to Biden on how to handle House Republicans’ demands for...


If House Republicans refuse to raise the limit on the amount of money America may repay on what it owes — the deceptively named “debt limit” — they might force the United States to default, pushing interest rates into the stratosphere and shaking the world economy.

Holy Cow! History: Pink Parker’s bizarre monument to John Wilkes Booth


One day in June 1921, the editor of the Herald newspaper in Troy, Alabama, finally had enough. A clipping from the previous Sunday’s Brooklyn Daily Eagle lay on his desk. “An Assassin’s Monument,” the headline said. It had been reprinted in papers nationally.

Lori Borgman: Words you can never take back


Standby snack foods have been reinventing themselves as “minis” in hopes of appealing to a new generation of consumers. Hostess downsized Ding Dongs, Doritos ran all the chips through the dryer and Trix dehydrated every last cereal ball.

David Trinko: Teaching your own child to be a leader


It’s one thing to say you’re a leader. It’s another to prove it.