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Dr. Jessica Johnson: Foreman biopic a knockout


“Nothing ever came easy. Every day was a fight.”

John Grindrod: Mixing some blissful ignorance with some Florida sunshine


Nowadays, many place a premium on knowing information immediately. Waiting for the morning print newspaper to slap the concrete of the front porch for so very many would surely be an anachronism if they still digested information thusly. Instead, so many these days rely on social-media platforms to deliver the news they need to know in as little as an hour after there’s a story to tell.

Reghan Winkler: How to handle a credit data breach


A recent data breach has affected individuals in our area. Local consumers have been receiving a letter from NationsBenefits, LLC providing detailed information about a recent data breach and the steps taken to address the issue.

Legal-Ease: How wills and probate work upon death


Probate is the administrative process used to move official ownership of a deceased person’s possessions, known as assets, to other people. When someone dies having signed a valid will, the probate process is called “testate,” and the process is called “intestate” when there is no will.

S.E. Cupp: Why are Dems following GOP abortion extremism?


Never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity, as the old saying goes.

Don Stratton: Some musings on police week


During the calendar year of 2022, the number of line-of-duty officer deaths in the U.S. was 246, swelled somewhat by the COVID-19 epidemic. Covid deaths were in the line of duty as well as those who died at the hands of assailants because police officers could not hunker down and avoid public contact like civilians did. But the number who died from senseless violent actions totaled 78, with 64 officers dying as result of gun violence, and 14 from assaults by vehicle.

Mark Figley: Good reasoning expressed by a middle schooler


Most people have likely never heard of Middleborough, Massachusetts, but a seventh-grader there might just have put it on the map.

Tom Purcell: Curing our loneliness epidemic


There is a loneliness epidemic in the United States, but there are some simple ways we can address it.

Holy Cow! History: Henry’s crystal clear idea


Henry had a sharp eye. He paid close attention to what people around him were doing–and what they weren’t. One observation in the 19th century forever changed how Americans buy food products, revolutionizing the food industry and making him rich to boot.

Robert B. Reich: We must stop Trump fascism – the danger is now


Last Wednesday evening marked the unofficial start of Donald Trump’s campaign to be reelected president of the United States.