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John M. Crisp: The reason Colin Kaepernick doesn’t have a job

Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick was in the news last week, in a story that gives me a nagging, uneasy feeling about...

Ramesh Ponnuru: Talk of impeachment is premature

Rush Limbaugh says we are witnessing “a silent coup.” The radio host has sometimes been accused of rhetorical excess, but his claim is based...

Christine Flowers: The hypocrisy about Russia from left and right

I am a member of the last generation that grew up thinking the Soviet Union was a godless, murderous regime that cast its enslaved...

Michael Reagan: Years of dishonesty cost the GOP

I saw an honest Republican congressman on TV the other day.I was so shocked I can’t remember who it was or what channel I...

Kathleen Parker: We were told there’d be dirt

WASHINGTON — That quaking beneath your feet is from shock waves in Washington where tipping points are merging with other tipping points to create...

Cal Thomas: The state is not God

Anyone looking for another reason not to leave life-and-death issues to the state need look no further than the conflict between the British government...

George Will: Fixing the ‘rotting carcass’ tax code

WASHINGTON — Cynics are said to be people who are prematurely disappointed about the future. Such dyspepsia is encouraged by watching Republicans struggle to...

Chris Erskine: Mother Ocean leaves me sunny

Dear beach friends,Great trip. Trust everybody got home OK. It was a long and challenging drive, particularly with sunburned legs against leather seats. Till...

John M. Crisp: George Washington vs. Donald Trump

Americans are fond of rankings. We even rank our presidents. An internet search reveals dozens of presidential rankings by historians and news organizations. The...

Carl Leubsdorf: Trump is giving political inexperience a bad name

One of Barack Obama’s principal arguments in seeking the presidency was that his stance as an outsider uninvolved in past Washington battles would enable...