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George Will: When a diminishing president is a good thing

WASHINGTON — Looking, as prudent people are disinclined to do, on the bright side, there are a few vagrant reasons for cheerfulness, beginning with...

Opinion: Boris, Natasha, Bullwinkle and the Trumps.

You don’t have to work for the special counsel to know the prolonged war between the Trumps and the truth over Russia will soon...

Kathleen Parker: In search of loyalty

WASHINGTON — Eventually, everyone in this town seems to wind up with the word “poor” in front of his or her name.Such a fate...

Cal Thomas: A plan to save Social Security

It is no secret that what the major media seem to care most about is radically different from what concerns average Americans. While the...

George Will: The slovenly institution that is Congress

WASHINGTON — In January 1988, in Ronald Reagan’s final State of the Union address, he noisily dropped on a table next to the podium...

Dan K. Thomasson: We continually ask ourselves ‘what kind of day was it?’

WASHINGTON — “What kind of a day was it?” Walter Cronkite used to ask on his early weekly television program, “You Were There,” that...

George Ball: Stephen Hawking is wrong about our potential to save our planet

Recently, renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking said we should colonize the moon and Mars as soon as possible. He predicts that, figuratively speaking, Mother...

Chris Erskine: Kids are full of magic

I like the homegrown tomatoes on the windowsill, the way the sun catches their sunburned smiles. Every now and then I’ll pop one into...

George Will: The wild blue yonder ain’t what it used to be

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — The aircraft arrayed around the spacious lawn of Maxwell Air Force Base, home of the Air University, mostly represent long-retired types....

Martin Schram: Rethinking Donald Sr. and Jr. — and the secrets they keep

After all of the negative Trump news that’s been pouring over us, it’s time somebody in my biz said a good word or two...