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George Will: The GOP’s Southern Gothic page-turner

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Southern Gothic is a literary genre and, occasionally, a political style that, like the genre, blends strangeness and irony. Consider the...

Amanda Knox: Michelle Carter deserves sympathy and help, not prison

Twenty-year-old Michelle Carter was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison on Thursday after being found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for her involvement in...

Lori Borgman: When a full staff adds up to 1

Someone called the other day and asked to speak to me. She was surprised when I said that it was me. Sounding disappointed, she...

Mark Figley: Losing the war on illegal opiods

In 2016, drug overdoses claimed nearly 60,000 lives in the United States; roughly the number of Americans that were killed in the Vietnam War....

Kathleen Parker: What the world needs now

WASHINGTON — Insidious is the force that causes us to dream of things we wish (or don’t wish) were so.Thus, on the eve of...

Cal Thomas: Wars and rumors of wars

One month after the election, President-elect Donald Trump made a “victory tour” of states that had helped deliver his surprise win.In Fayetteville, North Carolina,...

George Will: Our diminished trust in government can be traced to the bungles in...

One day saw an officer casually aim his rifle and try to shoot a Vietnamese boy in the distance.“Sir, what are you doing?”...

Christine Flowers: Disgusting Scaramucci does not represent Italian people

When I was younger, I asked my mother if I could add a vowel to the end of my name. “Why,” she said, not...

Doyle McManus: So this is how Trump fires people. Publicly, with maximum humiliation

This is not the normal way to fire a Cabinet officer. President Donald Trump is subjecting his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to public torture...

Christine Flowers: Deaths in Texas force us to confront broken immigration system

Whenever I write about immigration, I prepare to please absolutely no one, least of all myself. My personal curse is that I am a...