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Labor Day: A Time to celebrate and help

On this Labor Day weekend, as we celebrate the contributions of American workers, we must also remember those among us who have little or...

Christine M. Flowers: What flood? Critics go after Melania’s shoes

”Arma virumque cano” is the first full sentence I learned in Latin. It’s the opening line to Virgil’s “Aeneid” and means “I sing of...

Kathleen Parker: To brother Cromartie, with love

WASHINGTON — There is something eternally bonding about a shared near-death experience, which is how I first met Michael Cromartie.This was 15 or so...

Cal Thomas: Pardoning Sheriff Arpaio

President Trump’s pardon of Joe Arpaio, the former sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, has drawn predictable responses. The left, which long ago exceeded its...

George Will: Yale offers a tutorial in social descent

WASHINGTON — Summer brings no respite for academics committed to campus purifications, particularly at the institution that is the leader in the silliness sweepstakes,...

Christine Flowers: The shameful pardon of man who was ugly face of law enforcement

I spent some hours this week trying to prevent a deportation. I wasn’t successful. It happens, the law must be followed and sometimes the...

George Will: Trump, the novice protectionist

WASHINGTON — Sooner or later, and the later the better, the president’s wandering attention will flit, however briefly, to the subject of trade. So,...

Kathleen Parker: Give Robert Lee a raise

WASHINGTON — You know we’ve reached a point of — something — when a sports announcer named Robert Lee is reassigned from calling a...

Judging Afghanistan by the numbers

oes the president’s announced policy on Afghanistan make sense? To decide, let’s look at how a national security professional would deconstruct Trump’s Aug. 21...

Kathleen Parker: Eclipse a rare shared moment

LINVILLE, N.C. — During the past two weeks, I’ve been conducting an experiment.I took a vacation.A real one, meaning I did nothing. Intentionally, I...