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Cal Thomas: The Vietnam War revisited

“The highest patriotism is not a blind acceptance of official policy, but a love of one’s country deep enough to call her to a...

George Will: Unsatisfied with facts, Seattle’s city council turns to interpretations

SEATTLE — In this city, which is a petri dish of progressivism, a prevailing theory is that when you raise the price of something,...

Jay Ambrose: For better health, run from Bernie

The socialist threat best known as Sen. Bernie Sanders wants a single-payer health care system, and here is what that means: adding monstrously to...

Christine M. Flowers: Plenty of reasons to cheer about Trump’s speech to the United...

While other people worried about what President Donald Trump meant when he discussed “sovereignty,” and while other people wrung their hands and mopped their...

Jim Jordan: Give us real tax reform, not a pig in a poke

Reconciliation is a parliamentary vehicle linked with the budget and designed to achieve specific revenue and spending requirements. This is the preferred approach for...

George Will: America’s engine is being slowed by complacency

WASHINGTON — It was an epoch-defining decision to place in Westminster Abbey, among statues of monarchs, priests and poets, a large one of James...

Kathleen Parker: The New Center seeks volunteers

NEW YORK — This city’s annual gridlock festival, otherwise known as the United Nations General Assembly, is a proper metaphor for America’s current state...

Cal Thomas: Ignorant nation

At a National Archives ceremony last Friday in Washington, D.C., 30 immigrants became naturalized U.S. citizens. In a video, President Trump encouraged them to...

George Will: The steep cost of cheap speech

WASHINGTON — At this shank end of a summer that a calmer America someday will remember with embarrassment, you must remember this: In the...

Christine Flowers: Liberal snowflakes pick and choose when to be offended

Before Colin Kaepernick took a knee and became a movement, he was a pretty good football player. And then, he wasn’t anymore. Whether his...