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Mark Perry: Standards limit consumer choices, hurt the economy

There is an old saying that those who don’t learn from the mistakes of others are destined to repeat them.Before Congress finalizes ill-conceived fuel...

Kathleen Parker: Just a guy and the search for meaning

WASHINGTON — The horror the horror.The English language, expansive as it is, lacks sufficient vocabulary for the near-ceaseless popping sound of an automatic weapon...

Cal Thomas: Math, history and tax reform

In school, I liked math the least and history the most. Both can be useful in the coming debate over President Donald Trump’s proposed...

John M. Crisp: Talking back to a president who has it coming

I love America. You probably do, too. Who wouldn’t love a nation in which an ordinary citizen can call the most powerful man in...

Cynthia M. Allen: Title IX changes should help address role of race in campus...

In Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird,” Atticus Finch, a white lawyer in a fictional southern town, is appointed to defend...

Larry L. Oatman: A timely renewal

In last month’s mail, the state of Ohio sent me a reminder that it was time to renew my automobile license plate. That also...

Michael Smerconish: There’s a difference between protesting on native soil and doing so overseas

In the final month of the 1992 campaign, President George H.W. Bush made an issue of Governor Bill Clinton’s foreign travel when Clinton was...

Tom Purcell: The art of spending other people’s money

I can’t blame them, really. It’s human nature to want something for nothing.I speak of two tenants who recently moved into a rental unit...

Rob Portman: JSMC finally receiving level of support it needs

America’s military might is unmatched. Our men and women in uniform carry out critical operations and defend democracy across the globe. It is one...

Joe Guzzardi: The eye-popping cost of illegal immigration

Illegal immigration costs American taxpayers $116 billion annually, according to a new report published by the Washington, D.C.-based Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)....