
Reminisce: ‘There were no winners:’ Remembering the Westinghouse strike


After enduring war-time wage controls and restrictive labor laws passed in the aftermath of World War II in answer to a rash of work stoppages, workers at many Lima plants were ready for action, never more so than in the mid-1950s.

How to grow food in small spaces


LOS ANGELES — If your yard is tiny, or even just a balcony, Jordan Karambelas has a suggestion for growing food organically: a good-looking aquaponics system that uses recycled water enriched by fish poop to irrigate vegetables planted above.

Lima Public Library Book Reviews



Real Life Mama: A little mama and her toads


This week, while Reagan and I were practicing her batting in the front yard, she suddenly saw something brown hopping around in the grass. Immediately, she dropped her bat to inspect it and was pleasantly surprised to find a tiny toad.

Living with Children: If bedtime routine invites trouble, shorten it


Q: We have a 3.5-year-old daughter and each night we have a routine we go through with her — bath, pajamas, brush, choose two books and read them, sing a couple of songs, and pray before lights out. Bedtime typically falls between 7:30 and 8 p.m. each night and she sleeps soundly for about 11-12 hours. We try to go through the routine calmly but most evenings, she finds some way to deviate from it. Almost every evening, she ends up having a screaming meltdown because we’ve told her the next step, given her time to respond, and she procrastinates in a big way. We’ve tried skipping books and songs as a consequence, to no avail. Last night, for instance, when it was time to go to her room to read, she threw herself on the floor and screamed bloody murder. We ended up having to carry her into her room. What can we do to make bedtime happier and calmer? I don’t want her last thoughts as she closes her eyes to be about the meltdown that just ensued.

David Trinko: Ex-Lima Mayor Berger’s new job focuses on energy


After 32 years on the ground leading the City of Lima as mayor, David Berger looked to the sky for his next challenge.

Best Bites: Chex Mix Birthday Cake Bars


My teenage son opened one of these bars and exclaimed that they taste like a Rice Krispies treat, but better. He’s right, only I’d say way better. The bottom is like a very dense Rice Krispies treat but then on top you find pretzels, Chex Mix, rainbow sprinkles and a sweet confectionary coating. The bars are so full of flavor and so packed with goodies, it’s hard to believe they are only 140 calories.

H-E-B edges out Amazon as the top U.S. e-commerce grocer


DALLAS — H-E-B has taken the lead in a consumer preference index as the top e-commerce grocer ahead of second- and third-place finishers Amazon and Amazon Fresh.

What to do if your sunburn starts to peel


We’ve all been there. We didn’t think the sun was that hot. We didn’t think we needed sunscreen. And we ended up with a sunburn.

Graphic novel book reviews: Families, friends and complications


“The High Desert: Black. Punk. Nowhere,” written and illustrated by James Spooner; Harper (368 pages, $26.99)