
On Nutrition: More on animals and the environment


To my surprise, I didn’t get any death threats after my recent column on how animal agriculture may be one way to mitigate climate change. In fact, even the folks who disagreed were extremely pleasant. Some questions did arise, however.

Expect a different flu season


COVID-19 may be the most prominent virus of concern in the U.S. now, but public health officials also are preparing for seasonal influenza. And indications are it could be a different season than what the U.S. experienced the past two years.

A prescription for health on the yoga mat


PITTSBURGH — Dr. Natalie Gentile stands in an exercise studio in Pittsburgh’s Strip District, leading a workout class as soothing music plays and images of Pittsburgh flow on a massive screen.

Environment, pandemic struggles in songs of ‘touring conservation biologist’


LIMA — When he is not performing his music on tour, Jonathan Foster is a practicing biologist.

Finding a way out of heroin addiction


LIMA — “I don’t think anyone really wakes up one day and says, ‘Hey I want to try heroin,’” said Ben Budde, the driving force and originator of “Night of Hope: A Concert Against Heroin.”

Featured events coming up in the Lima region


Vote Online for “Best Looking Cruiser”

Reminisce: Creating cool customers: Promoting business using fans


LIMA — In popular myth, the young Victorian-era lady, cocooned in several layers of clothing and watched over by chaperones, used her hand fan to send out secretive signals to men.

Group of NC residents keeps Wikipedia (mostly) correct


Apricots. The War of 1812. Grant Hill. The second season of “Grey’s Anatomy.” Tables.

Lima Public Library Book Reviews



Real Life Mama: Not just yet


Remember last week when I was so excited to get back into a routine and some normalcy? Yeah, what I failed to remember, or maybe blocked out, was the struggle in the couple of transition weeks attempting to get back into a schedule before school starts.